In administering the Truancy Court Program (TCP), the Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts (CFCC) applies one of its founding philosophies, the ecology of human development, to a real-world setting. The ecology of human development focuses on four different systems that effect affect a child’s daily routine, though children may not be aware of all of them. Those four systems are:
• the microsystem: where children have contact with those influential in their lives (siblings,
parents, teachers)
• the mesosystem: relationships and connections between microsystems (home-school, etc.)
• the exosystem: where children don’t participate but where significant decisions are made
affecting child and adult (choice of employment)
• the macrosystem: the blueprints for organizing the institutional life of a society
TCP is uniquely suited for such a philosophy, as both its in- and out-of-school components factor into at least one of the above systems. The ecology of human development complements CFCC’s other underlying philosophy, therapeutic jurisprudence, to achieve goals across all system levels.
CFCC Student Fellows and staff join faculty from participating TCP schools to interact with program participants at the micro level. In weekly meetings, they assess problems occurring between the home-school relationship (mesosystem) that cause students to arrive late to school or not at all. These problems frequently involve a lack of communication at the micro level between parents, students, and teachers. A deficiency in communication can lead to misunderstandings between participants, which eventually blossoms into distrust of the school system at the meso level. Events at the micro level, therefore, greatly affect what goes on up the chain, which is why the TCP’s on-the-ground approach is so important. The home-school relationship is quintessential to what the TCP does, but there are other important relationships? Can you think of anything else?
The data-gathering component of the TCP can influence policymakers in the exosystem to make changes that attempt to eliminate the types of barriers to school attendance over which children have little control, such as transportation. Lack of site-specific transportation and reliance by children on general public transit systems is a good example of an early exosystem problem the TCP has encountered. A parent’s choice of employment is another, more private example of an exosystem issue that can affect a child, as a parent who works far away from the school, or who also needs to take public transportation, may be unable to ensure that their child gets to school on time.
Finally, the macrosystem is the farthest we can pull back from the TCP table, and, thus, it is what the program has the least power to influence. Participation in the TCP by local judges and its public funding may relate to the program’s impact at this level. While the TCP has its greatest influence at the microsystem and mesosystem levels, it is at the macrosystem level where aggregate change begins to build up, and where, hopefully, the seeds of change planted at the other system levels will be nurtured by policymakers as well as by parents.
September 17, 2014, the Center for Families, Children and the Courts (“CFCC”)
Student Fellows visited the Family Division of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
City located at 111 North Calvert Street in Baltimore. We received a tour
from T. Sue German, the Family Division Administrator.
tour was a great opportunity to see how the Unified Family Court system
operates.The Family Division strives to
efficiently resolve matters involving families, such as, divorce, guardianship,
child support, custody, and visitation matters.Further we learned that approximately 88% of litigants appear pro se.
The Family
Division tailors its approach to each individual family to address the family’s
specific needs.The Family Division has
many resources for the variety of clients with which it deals.For example, in the case of contested issues,
the Family Division provides educational seminars such as COPE and SHAPE for
parents and mediation if there are custody and visitation issues.Also, at scheduling conferences, the Family Division
refers clients to other resources to address their needs, such as referrals to
substance abuse services, for custody evaluations, and for other social services.
tour revealed that the Family Division has faced budget cuts in recent years,
however, which is surprising in light of the volume of cases that are dealt
with in the Family Division.On a given
day, attorneys at the Family Division Pro Se Project assist approximately 35-40
litigants. Further, cutting back on the
resources available to the Family Division impedes its ability to effectively
and efficiently deal with all the litigants’ issues it confronts.
actual facility itself was very warm and inviting for the families and children
who frequent it. The walls are adorned with art made by children in the
community, and there is a staffed playroom for children while their parents
attend to their various matters at the Family Division. It was really wonderful to have the
opportunity to tour.
Truancy is a dilemma
frequently facing school systems. A
violation of compulsory attendance requirements can, in the worst case, lead to
significant punitive consequences for a family.What happens, however, when the student exhibiting truant
tendencies is a special education student? What kind of special obligations, if
any, does a school district have to a child with a disability?
In Maryland, there is a
strong positive correlation between rates of habitual truancy and drop out
rates and special education students. Baltimore City ranks among the highest in
the State in those variables for which positive correlations with truancy were
found.1. There are many explanations for this positive correlation.
First, the difficulties that special education students face in order to access
the curriculum can make every day in school feel like a battle. Second, special
education students are more susceptible to becoming victims of bullying, again
deterring students from regularly coming to school. Third, the student's
disability may include an emotional disorder that results in inappropriate
types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances.
Under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), each student is entitled to a free,
appropriate, public education. Additionally, the Child Find requirements under
IDEA require all school districts to identify, locate, and evaluate all
students who are suspected of having a disability. 34 CFR 300.111. Although
lack of attendance on its own does not qualify a student for special education
services, it is a factor to be taken into consideration. 34 CFR 300.8(a)(1). 2. Once a truant student is identified as having a disability,
he/she is eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in order to
assure that the student is receiving free,appropriate, public education.
One component of the IEP may
include a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), a "collaborative,
student-centered process for gathering information that reliably predicts the
conditions and/or circumstances concerning why a student is exhibiting an
inappropriate behavior," in this case the inappropriate behavior being
truancy.3. Following the FBA is a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), which
includes strategies such as positive behavior reinforcements, program
modifications, and supplementary aids and services that can assist the student
in overcoming habitual truancy. The BIP includes a plan to monitor the
student's progress to ensure that the student now is able to access the
These programs are very
helpful in addressing a special education student's truancy issue head-on.
Although there is still much work to do, these federally mandated obligations
prevent hundreds of students annually from dropping out of school. It would be
wonderful to find a way for similar programs to be available for students
without disabilities but who have problems regularly attending.Butthatis a conversation for another day...
The links among poverty, school attendance rates, and delinquency are all intertwined and, when viewed as such, depict a terrifying truth. In America, over 16 million students live below the poverty line, creating a set of circumstances and problems that a large percentage of the population does not have to endure.[1] A reality for these children could be:
Parents working multiple jobs, sometimes unable to take their children to school
Incarcerated parents
Children living in a group home
Children having to walk through a dangerous neighborhood to get to school
Pressures on children to work or engage in illicit activity in an effort to supplement family income
This list is not definitive; it merely scratches the surface of the problems faced by children who live in impoverished neighborhoods. As children fail to attend school for any one of the aforementioned reasons, their grades suffer.
The correlation between an individual’s success in school, more specifically his/her ability to read, and incarceration is alarming. A student not reading at a third grade level by the third grade is three to four times as likely not to graduate high school on time, and this figure actually increases to six times as likely not to graduate high school on time for students from low income families.[2] More importantly, a study conducted by Northwestern University determined high school dropouts are sixty three times more likely to be incarcerated than college graduates.[3]
These statistics should paint a picture of the importance of education, particularly elementary education. Currently, juvenile justice systems across the country have the overarching goal of rehabilitating youth offenders in an effort to reduce future encounters with the law. Interventions offered by the justice system include educational and vocational training programs, aimed at educating youth offenders so that they may receive the education and skills necessary to support themselves without living a delinquent life.
Maryland’s Department of Juvenile Services currently operates 7 juvenile detention centers across the state, dealing with individuals 18 and younger who enter the justice system.[4] Maryland could possibly reduce the number of youth involved in the juvenile justice system by proactively concentrating on elementary education. Providing child-care services before and after school would allow parents to work longer in an effort to support their families while allowing their children to attend school. Making routes to school safer by means of police enforcement or volunteers would encourage attendance and learning in elementary school. Proactive measures such as these could reduce the numbers of youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Drug treatment courts are a source of therapeutic
jurisprudence as problem-solving courts.Their purpose is to resolve underlying issues that may be the source of
crimes that are being committed with a holistic and big-picture approach.In Baltimore City, the Drug Treatment Court
was created in 1994 due to a study relating 85% of crimes back to substance
abuse and addiction.It is a way of
preventing incarceration by providing an alternative.Four main goals of Baltimore City’s Drug
Treatment Court are to:
·“Provide pretrial, drug-dependent detainees with close supervision
·Allow judges to use a cost-effective sentencing option by
providing a fully integrated and comprehensive treatment program
·Reduce recidivism rates of street crime committed by
drug-motivated offenders
·Facilitate the academic, vocational, and prosocial skill
development of offenders”[1]
of the many actors involved in achieving these goals, the whole court system is
essentially working together to reduce the overall recidivism rates, especially
when substance driven crimes are being committed.The systems that are provided for offenders
are supervision, status hearings through judicial monitoring, drug testing, and
drug treatment.In order to graduate
from the program, participants must have employment, “completed 20 hours of community service, have
participated in the program for a minimum of 12 months, and have at least 9
months of clean urine samples.”[2]
has found that the offenders involved in drug treatment courts have a lower
recidivism rate than those who are not. It has been generally proven that “[t]he average
effect of participation is analogous to a drop in recidivism from 50% to 38%;
and, these effects last up to three years.”[3]Although by only about 10%, the re-arrest
rates had decreased, but new arrests had significantly decreased.The Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court not
only has the effect of reducing recidivism rates while a person is in the
program, but also persists even after the program is completed.[4]Drug treatment courts as a problem-solving
court has proven to be successful and continues to be implemented.