“I didn’t come to school because my uniform was at my mom’s house and I slept at my dad’s two days last week.”
“I was late because I stayed at my cousin’s house and her
mom didn’t get us up.”
“I overslept because I was staying in my aunt’s room and she
had the TV on all night.”
“I missed school because I stayed at my dad’s and he lives
in West Baltimore.”
“I was late for school because I stayed with my Grandmother
had to take my cousin to school and then didn’t know which bus to take.”
had to take my cousin to school and then didn’t know which bus to take.”
When a student moves from house to house or family member to
family member he or she suffers from a lack of structure, the absence of
routine, and inconsistent rules and expectations. Because Baltimore City Public
School (BCPS) students rely heavily on public transportation, each new move
often also means figuring out a new bus schedule. Such was the case with Kiera,
a 5th grader who was shuffled between the care of her mother, her
grandmother, and her aunts. Sometimes she arrived at her school’s weekly CFCC Truancy Court
Program (TCP) meetings from her mother’s house exhausted and reserved,
insisting that all she liked to do at home was sleep. At other times she arrived
late because she had to take a bus to school from her grandmother’s house,
which was fifteen miles outside Baltimore City limits. Yet there were times
when she came to school rested and talkative, with her hair neatly combed and
clothes clean and pressed. The TCP team learned that those were weeks when she
was staying with an aunt who lived far away but who provided consistency, care,
and reliable transportation to and from school. Although Kiera liked to stay
with her aunt, she did not know from day to day where she would be expected to
spend the next night, and her ability to keep up with schoolwork and control
her behavior suffered as a result.
In December, Kiera’s attendance improved dramatically.
Between December and March, Kiera was present and on time every day. Her grades
improved, as did her behavior. The TCP team learned that Kiera had been staying
with her aunt. For the first time since
August, she had been in one place for almost four months, and her school record
reflected that consistency. Kiera’s aunt,
however, was not her legal guardian, and Kiera could be removed from her care
by either of her parents at any moment.
The aunt asked the TCP team if anything could be done to make her
caregiving arrangement permanent and enforceable.
What can be done?

Whether the solution takes the form of a legally enforceable document or simply a verbal consensus among caregivers, consistency in a student’s home life increases his or her potential for academic and social success. With the help of the TCP team, Kiera’s family is trying to find a lasting solution that will work for them and, most importantly, for Kiera.